

You boys and your frail crushable nuts are so funny to me

This one time I was squeezing a guys balls with one hand.

As if to retaliate, he instinctively grabbed towards my crotch. He tried to grab and squeeze like I was, but I just laughed at him as he grasped at air.

As he fell down on his knees I could see the tears of jealousy welling up in his eyes.



You want to fuck me? What would you do for me? Would you let me knee your balls? Ha, you boys are so pathetic!

Why do boys think it’s such a big deal that I don’t have a penis?

It’s like they feel sorry for me for not having one.

Trust me guys, us girls get along just fine without one. Sure we can’t pee standing up, but we get a lot of advantages that you guys don’t, like not having balls for example.