I don’t have a penis. That’s why this little thing is all I need to cover up.
A woman’s body is simply better designed.
It doesn’t make sense to have anything hanging between your legs. Having a smooth crotch makes you more mobile and more flexible. It’s just more logical.
You know how we call guys’ penis and testicles “junk”?
Maybe that’s because that’s what it is. It doesn’t do anything except get in the way.
When girls get hit in the crotch: a jolt of pleasure
When guys get hit in the crotch: excruciating pain
Robstoughts……. The most beautiful girls on Tumblr!
You’ve been hit in the balls, haven’t you? I wouldn’t know but I’ve been told it hurts like hell.
So what’s the upside to being male?
You know the saying “got someone by the balls”?
I don’t understand that. I mean I get it, but I have no idea what that feels like.
How can one area of your body be that sensitive? How can you guys be so big and tough and strong, yet you have this one weak spot that easily brings you down?
Seems like bad design to me.