
Face it guys: having no dick and no balls is the better, more logical design. It simply does not make sense to have a bunch of stuff hanging between your legs. It’s an inconvenience, a weakness, and it gets in the way.

Your design is inferior.


Sure, having your cock sucked feels good, but what is it the rest of the time? Dead weight. That’s all it is, serving no purpose other than to be uncomfortable and get in the way of your legs.

That’s why I’m glad I’m a girl. I don’t have to carry dead weight everywhere.


Sucking cock sure is fun, but I’d be the first to tell you I wouldn’t want to have one. The thought of having all that hanging from my crotch sounds awful. How could you even walk with a foot of dead weight hanging between your legs?

All I’m saying is, I’m glad you boys have to carry that burden and not me.