




So süß 😍😍😍

You know what’s the best thing about being a girl?

It’s not having nuts.

I can push my butt way up into the air like this, and you could slap me on the crotch over and over, it wouldn’t hurt me at all.

I love not having a weak spot there. It makes me feel so superior to men.



So süß😍

I’m so glad I don’t have balls.

I can spread my legs however I want and never have to worry about a thing.

I don’t know how you guys function with those vulnerable balls hanging there. I don’t know how you do it with a penis hanging in the way either.

All I know is, I’m glad I’m a girl, I’m glad I have a smooth, flat crotch with no penis.


If you told a bunch of people they had to fit their fist inside their body in the next 10 minutes, 99% of women would succeed, while 99% of the men would fail. Women have a talent men don’t have. It’s not fair, it wasn’t earned, but that’s the way it is.


“Oh my God this is amazing! I can feel your heartbeat through your vagina. I can feel you breathe! This is just incredible. Don’t you feel so lucky to have a vagina? You wouldn’t be able to experience these sensations if you were a boy.”


It would be one thing if men and women’s parts were just a cosmetic difference, and men and women otherwise had the same talents and abilities.

But it’s not. The vagina actually gives women functional abilities that men don’t get. It’s the biggest hole in the body, so they can fit in so much more into their bodies than men can. Women get to tickle inside their whole abdomen, men can’t even take anything inside their abdomen.

Isn’t that unfair? Some people get more abilities than others because they were born with special parts.


Boys think they’re so cool because they have a penis.

Well my vagina can do some pretty fucking amazing things too.

Come on, take a look. Look at all the things I’m able to do that boys can’t. I don’t care that I don’t have a penis, I think the things I can do are much better.