
When I was a kid, the boys in school used to play a game where they kicked each other in the crotch, whoever lasted the longest was the toughest.

They were always making fun of us girls, so one day I joined in to teach them a lesson. I didn’t just win easily, I lasted five times longer than any of them. They didn’t know girls didn’t have balls yet, so they thought I was that much tougher than they were. They never made fun of us girls again.

Isn’t being a girl great? It’s like an unfair advantage.


I don’t have a penis, but I’ve never needed one.

I can go to school, play sports, get a job, travel, live life to the fullest, and I don’t need a penis to do any of it.

So why do guys think having a penis is so important? I just don’t get it. It’s not that big of a deal guys, get over it.


I don’t need to wear underwear when I wear tight jeans. You know why? Because I don’t have a penis and balls.

I don’t have to worry about my nuts getting squashed and causing me pain. I don’t have to worry about my penis chafing against the inside of my pants.

All I have to do is put on jeans and go out the door. I don’t even have to adjust, just put them on and I’m good to go!