
When I was a little girl, I used to wonder what it was like to have a penis. I was so jealous that the boys got one and I didn’t.

But now I realize that boys don’t know what it feels like to be me. They don’t get to know what it’s like having a smooth, sexy crotch. They don’t get to know what having a vagina feels like.

So now I think I’m the lucky one!





Sad to think she’s had guys who have had no real interest in her body, such a waste!

Cum titties

I could never leave home

You know what’s incredible to me?

I’m just a skinny girl, you’re a big weightlifter, but all it would take for me to beat you is one little tap to your nuts.

Isn’t that unfair? Despite all your training, all the time you put in to get strength and muscles, even though I didn’t do any work, I can beat you just as easily.

It’s so unfair, but it makes me feel so lucky to be a girl!




I wish I knew what getting hit in the balls feels like, just so I could relate to you boys.

But no matter how hard I hit myself in the crotch, I never feel that pain you guys feel. My body is so well designed, it simply doesn’t allow me to feel that pain, even if I want to!

Isn’t life so unfair? I never feel that pain even if I want to, while if you so much as get tapped in the balls, you feel that pain, even though you don’t want to.