
I’m so glad I don’t have a penis and balls. I don’t protect my crotch at all, I let stuff press against it and hit it all the time. That’s because without balls, I didn’t have to develop protective reflexes like men did. In fact when I have sex, I spread my legs open, completely exposing my crotch, letting it get hit again and again, over and over. Instead of pain, letting my crotch get hit gives me pleasure.

I would be the worst guy. I’d hurt my balls all the time.


I think it’s so weird how guys get so self conscious about their penis size.

The idea of being judged on something hanging below my waist just seems…. strange.

I don’t have one, there’s nothing down there to even be self conscious about.

I’m just glad I’m a girl. I don’t have to be judged by a body part whose size I have no control over. I’m free to just be me.


What’s so great about having a penis anyway? I just don’t see what the big deal is.

First, it hangs down between your legs. It’s like, hello? Don’t you need those to walk? Why would you want something literally right in the way? And when they make pants, they only give them two sleeves, I don’t see space for a third appendage there, do you?

And don’t even get me started on balls, they’re even worse. Let me get this straight: they don’t do anything except hang there, and they’re so sensitive that they can bring you down in a single hit. So where’s the upside in this? No thanks, you can have em.



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When I suddenly got turned into a girl I thought I would hate it, but I actually really like not having to deal with having balls and a penis. I can get hit in the crotch however I want and it doesn’t hurt me. When I wear underwear it’s smooth and form fitting and comfortable. Not only do I not miss having a penis, I’m starting to think it was a burden.


See? I told you I was a girl. Do you see a penis and balls here?

Just because I act like a tomboy doesn’t mean I am one. You don’t need to have a penis to like cars and video games and sports.

Don’t think you’re anything special for having a penis either, I’m perfectly happy without one.


Go on, kick me in the balls. I promise I won’t try to block you, I’ll even put my hands above my head.

That’s it? That barely even hurt. Oh that’s right, I don’t have balls! It doesn’t hurt me to get hit there like it hurts you.

Life’s so unfair, isn’t it?


Hmm, what would I do if I had a penis and balls? I’m trying to picture them hanging there. To be honest, it might be fun for like a week or so, but after that I’d want to cut them off. I like having nothing there, I like having a smooth crotch with nothing in the way and no weak spot.