“Hey, we have a penis and balls, it lets us pee standing up!”
“What, that thing that’s so vulnerable a single hit there can bring you down?”
“Um…. yeah… that….”
What, you men wish to fight me? I’ll take your balls as trophies!
Girls don’t need armor around the crotch, there’s nothing vulnerable to protect!
The improved agility and flexibility is a huge advantage in combat.
Is it true that your penis and balls get in the way of you crossing your legs?
Oh my God! I feel so bad for you. It must be so uncomfortable!
Carrie Canyon #2
Long before she was known as having the biggest cunt in porn. Here she is posing for atk as Kira. Funny because she isnt even trying to gape open. Her cunt is just so amazingly massive and stretched out it just hangs open 24/7.
In the bathtub
All of this new flatness is so foreign to me. I love how it feels!
I can do any sort of ball-crushing activity and feel ZERO PAIN
more #fisting on my blog
This feels absolutely amazing, and only girls get to know what it feels like.
Sucks for you boys. Girls only 😂
Only girls have these
😛Good luck swallowing stuff from your crotch if you don’t have one. Hope you boys have that asshole stretched out!