

Only women can defeat women. Men are inferior in every way

Unlike men, women can use their crotch as a tool in combat.

Since there are no vulnerable balls there, women can put as much force as they want on their crotch. It’s an extra joint they can use to squeeze, smother, pin, choke, hold, lock, etc. their opponent.

Instead of being a liability, it’s an advantage.

Given there are only so many places on the human body where you can squeeze or pin someone, even having one extra joint is an enormous advantage.



See, no balls, no weakness. That’s why we women are the superior gender

Look at how smooth my crotch is.

Do you think I have to worry about protecting my crotch in a fight?

Do you think I need crotch support just to do basic things like walk and run?

Do you think I need to buy baggy underwear and pants just to have enough room for my anatomy? 

No. Those are all exclusively male problems we women don’t have to deal with.



Will she cut it off or bite it off? Are you willing to find out?

I don’t need a cup to fight you.

I don’t need pants either.

In fact I don’t need any covering at all, because unlike you, I don’t have balls. I have no sensitive parts dangling precariously between my legs to hinder my movement.

So let’s see who’s going to win: you with all your armor, or me with nothing at all?

I already know the answer.