Author Archives: admin
pussyenvyfetish: Boys brag all the time about how they can pee standing up, but one ability I’m thankful for as a girl is the ability to straddle things however I want. I can plop down without having to worry about a thing. Boys either can’t do it at all, or they have to carefully adjust …
pussyenvyfetish: You boys are pathetic. Your body is so weak, it can be taken down with one hit to the right spot. How could you have such a bad design? Your bodies are obviously inferior. Watch me pull this rope right into my crotch. It doesn’t hurt me at all, it actually feels good. Can …
pussyenvyfetish: Would this hurt your nuts? Of course it would. It would jam between them, separate them, and cause a deep, internal pain, wouldn’t it? Not that I would know, I’ve never experienced that pain in my life! I’m so lucky that I’ll never have to.
pussyenvyfetish: See how I don’t have a penis or balls? That’s what lets me straddle things without any pain or discomfort whatsoever. There’s plenty of advantages to being a girl! That’s what people don’t realize.
pussyenvyfetish: I love straddling things. It draws so much attention to how I have have no penis or balls. Having a nice flat crotch lets me do all kinds of things guys can’t. It must be so inconvenient for guys with long dicks. I can’t imagine what it’d be like to have a hose dangling …
pussyenvyfetish: I’m so glad I was born without nuts! I can just get away with doing all kinds of things you boys can’t do. I’m not careful about my crotch at all; I straddle things without even thinking about it, I let things hit me there all the time, but none of it ever bothers …
pussyenvyfetish: You poor boys…. you can’t do this. Your floppy penis and balls prevent you from doing anything fun with your crotch. You can’t straddle or freely spread your legs or let anything smack you there. God, it must be such a pain to deal with having a weak spot all the time.
pussyenvyfetish: I love not having balls! That lets me do fun stuff like this.